Prayer and Action to Support Ukraine

Today I write a message to all Christians to come together no matter what religion, race, or political affiliation you are. We must join together and pray for Ukraine and its citizens.

Two months ago when we heard for the first time a take over of Ukraine from Russia we began to pray against it. The Lord spoke to my spirit and said Russia will attack Ukraine. He instructed while I was in prayer we must pray for the righteous and the innocent ones in Ukraine.

We were traveling the second day of the attacks, and during prayer for the next two days the Lord began to speak to us concerning the situation

The Lord asked me if I remembered the story of America turning a ship away that was full of Jews attempting to escape Germany.

Yes, I replied, as in  June 1939, the German ocean liner St. Louis and its 937 passengers, almost all Jewish, were turned away from the port of Miami, forcing the ship to return to Europe; more than a quarter died in the Holocaust.

He then Spoke to me concerning the bombing of Pearl Harbor. The Lord did not bomb Pear Harbor, but He did allow it.

December 7th, 1941, Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service.

The naval base had nineteen U.S. navy ships and eight U.S. naval battleships at Pearl Harbor, of which all were attacked and four sunk. In total, 2,403 Americans died in the attack. 68 of these people were civilians.

The United States formally entered into WWII.

Do you realize America allowed many Jews to die and so many Americans died. 

“I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”
— God, Genesis 12:3,

We as a county cursed the Jewish people on that ship to torture and death and we as a country paid the price.

Now let’s go to present day Ukraine. I had wondered how the two resembled each other and then I saw it.

The European Jewish Congress says that the number of Jews could be as high as 400,000 even though many do not report it living in Ukraine.

The current administration in America knew for months that this attack from Russia was going to take place and we did nothing to help prevent it.

Instead of helping protect Ukraine, we continued helping Russia get ready to execute their evil plan to destroy Ukraine.

We bought oil from Russia every day when we knew that gave them money to purchase equipment and ammunition to have a war.

As I was praying the Lord showed me what has happened to Ukraine will happen in America. Much has been destroyed in Ukraine and we will see great destruction in America.

We need to stand with Ukraine doing whatever we are able to do. All need to pray daily for them. Some are able to donate money and others are able to do more by giving of themselves.

Pray for the protection of you and your family and remember to listen to the Holy Spirit. Be led by the Holy Spirit.

The Lord will protect the ones that stand up and do what they feel they are to do.

Be blessed and listen to the Holy Spirit. Stand without fear, trusting the Lord Jesus Christ to bless and protect you and your family .